Thursday 20 February 2014

Blue Yonder

As Chancellor George Osborne said today ‘Britain isn’t exporting enough’.   Why might this be?  Well in my opinion there are many potential exporters in Britain with excellent products but what stops them exporting or failing once they have exported?   
In my experience it is not the export regulations and requirements that cause the problems it is the import requirements and customer needs where the issues arise.   What’s the point of sending goods into the wide blue yonder with no idea if they can be imported at the other end and no concern about how much it will cost?  If you attend to both ends of the transaction you will really become a global success!
#exporting #import

Friday 14 February 2014

Valentine’s Day Up Close and Personal!

Spare a thought for all those Customs officers in the USA who have had to inspect every stem (yes stem!) of imported flowers for pests before they could be imported into the USA for Valentine’s Day!   Perhaps they should change the saying ‘Can’t see the wood for the trees’ to ‘Can’t see the bouquet for the flowers’!

#Valentine #Customs

Monday 10 February 2014

Valentine’s Day woes

International trade issues are even getting in the way of love!

Extra high prices and a shortage of red flowers on Valentine’s Day in the EU may well be the result of a dispute between Turkey and Bulgaria over transport permits which has caused both countries to close their borders to each other.   It is reported that Turkish flower produces face ruin as thousands of flowers wait and rot in vehicles at the border or in warehouses.  

#Valentine #flowers #Turkey #Bulgaria

How much???????

2014 appears to be a year of excellent growth for SME exporters, at least within the UK.

This is good news but the lack of export training is clearly apparent as many of these companies want to export their products all over the world right from the start.   I am frequently asked questions about import duty and taxes that might apply at destination. I am then on hand to hear the outraged and incredulous responses when I explain the duty rates (some as high as 70%!) which are an effective barrier to trade with some countries.

Trading via the internet does not change the import requirements it just makes your ‘export reach’ greater than it might have been.
#export #training #SME